Friday, March 23, 2012

Settling in... to blog or not to blog?

So, we've been in Japan for 7 weeks now, and in our new house for 3. It's starting to feel like home... the house, that is, not yet the country.

I'm not too sure about this whole blog thing, but I figured it was worth a try to let folks know how we're doing and what random daily adventures we manage to find with which to entertain ourselves.

But.... my biggest blogging fears are
1) that it will be a one-way communication street. I survive (or at least thrive) on hearing from friends and family, so please, please don't stop e-mailing / skyping me. I'm a little old school that way. Or else, I might have to stop this blog. And I've only just begun, so that seems rather unfortunate.
2) I won't keep it up, which is quite possible...


  1. Wow! What fun! Keep it coming, please.
    Papa and Rosie

  2. Steph, Kevin, Ryan, Ethan .... great to hear from you! Kim sent the blog sight to me. LOVE the pics and heard about the cold house last night at diner (Dennis made Prime Rib for Daniel and Tom's bdays). Do you need more blankets?? Space heater?? Keep up the blog, nice way to stay in contact.

    Scotland (Edinburgh) has the same dog (Greyfriars Bobby), Disney made a movie about it.

    Hi to everyone!!! Missed you at dinner last night!!!

  3. Glad you liked the update! And thanks for the tip about Greyfriars Bobby - I had no idea. Hope all is well with you!
