Saturday, April 14, 2012

Who knew....?

Who knew.....

... that the best place to buy a refrigerator in Tokyo is a place called Bic Camera?

... that it would take a PhD, daily discipline, and a full size calendar to correctly recycle in Japan?

... that cherry blossoms would look like snow as the blossoms gently blow off the trees?

... that it would take a minimum of 3 men, outfitted in hard hats, standing on a VERY quiet residential street to "protect the people" from a very small sidewalk repair?

... that cleanliness in Japan includes physically washing the traffic lights hanging overhead in the middle of an intersection?  Not repairing, actually washing, with water and a scrub brush.

... that fruit is crazy expensive, but this is the best darn fruit I've ever eaten?!?

... that our rice cooker can also make cakes and play music?

... that many people wear face masks yet bakeries and grocery stores have all their items out in plain view, right at eye/nose/mouth level of young children?

... that lines in Japan that seem unfathomably long somehow move very, very fast?

... that few Japanese homes have ovens but there's a fancy French bakery every .5km? Yummm...

... that the inside temperature of a house really could be colder than outside?  Thank goodness for spring!

... that a neighbor we've never met would knock on our door and give us an envelope containing a card and 2,000 yen as congratulations "from the community" for Ethan starting elementary school?

... that recycling is very important in Japan yet many, many, many things are individually wrapped?  As in, you buy a box of 12 cookies and EACH cookie will have its own plastic packaging.  Now, that wrapper will inevitably be recyclable, but still.

... that the 100 yen shop would be such a saving grace?  I think we've furnished our entire home from the 100 yen shop and craigslist Tokyo...

... that people would be oh so very kind?  I only wish that people in my own country (myself included) would be half as nice to immigrants in the US as people have been to us.


  1. Is 100 yen = $1 USD?. Love the observations and will make mental note not to come in the winter, though not sure we'll be able to avoid that. We're heading to DC's Sakura Matsuri festival today to enjoy some cultural heritage and we'll be thinking about you guys!

  2. Hilarious and so informative!
