Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Our much-loved Hibachan

We have gained much over the past year in Japan, but we have also experienced significant loss.

Hibachan and the boys, February 2011

On Saturday afternoon, as we stood in front of Mt. Fuji, we learned that we had lost Hibachan, Kevin's grandmother and the boys' great-grandmother.  She was 91 years young and a force to be reckoned with.

She supported and appreciated our move to Japan in a way that no one else could.  Whenever we skyped with her, she always said how much she appreciated hearing our stories "because it reminds me of all the things I did when I was in Japan."  And she always said that she wished she could come visit us.  In some small way, I feel like she is here with us, helping us to explore a land and a people that is part of her history.  Now more than ever we feel her presence, as her history becomes ours.

There are so many things we loved and still love about Hibachan.  We will have a Hibachan Day soon to help us celebrate her life as we also mourn our loss.

Hibachan visiting us in Tahoe, June 2011

It is fitting that we were visiting the majestic Fuji at the precise time that Hibachan passed away.  It was  cloudy that afternoon and though we couldn't see the mountain, we knew it was there.  Much like Fuji-san, Hibachan's spirit is strong and we know she is with us .... even on a cloudy day ... even when we are sad and ... even when we can no longer see or touch or hear her.

Her kind, fun-loving, outspoken spirit lives on.  But we will miss her more than we can say.


  1. So sorry for your loss. She sounds like a wonderful lady!

  2. So sorry for your tremendous loss. Much love to you & Kevin's family during this time.

  3. She sounds like a lovely lady. My hibaachan died at just over 100. She was an amazing spirit and the reason I'm alive. When my mother wanted to move to the US, it was my hibaachan that supported her when her parents didn't (post-WWII sentiments still strong in her house). I love her and named my eldest daughter after her.
