Saturday, May 18, 2013

And the winner is.....

So, you probably thought we had forgotten, but we've been so inundated by contest entries that it has taken us almost 2 months for us to announce the winner of "The Great Guess What This Is Contest."  (I'm exaggerating a little bit on the number of contest entries part.)

Answers included:

  • Candy, either soft taffy or hard candies - from Ruth
  • Eggs??? - from Iris
  • Cookie dough - this was from Hibachan, of course, who worked as a baker baking cookies until right before her death
  • Hard-boiled egg, with the white and yellow separated - guess #1 from Grandma
  • Erasers - guess #2 from Grandma
  • Kamaboko (fish cake) - guess #3 from Grandma
  • A whole bunch of answers from Rosie, who eventually did get the right answer, but with the added advantage of playing 20 Questions to try and figure it out AND having eaten the "right answer" for the first time that very same day (Papa and Rosie were visiting during the contest).  
And the correct answer is ..... FISH CAKE!  The judges, Ethan and Ryan, have ruled Grandma the winner even though it took her 3 guesses.  A highly coveted prize (not to include kamaboko) will be coming your way...

To be honest, we had no idea what they were either.  I bought them because they were festive and cute, and for some strange reason, I was hoping it was polenta or something of that sort (wishful thinking, for sure).  Needless to say, we were surprised too, but this is par for the course for us these days.  It's like Christmas everyday here, a surprise around every corner, never quite sure what we're going to get...

From Ethan:  It would have been really easy to guess if you had been able to taste it, because I had a tiny, tiny piece and I knew right away "this tastes like fish."  


  1. I am excited that I won....persistence is the name of the game! Thank you in advance for my prize.

  2. I knew right away what it was too! Darnit, I'm sad I just found your blog or else I would have joined in the contest.
